Tuesday 29 January 2013

A Very Short Guide To Giving A Blowjob

So I actually get the blowjob question fairly often, both in real life and on here, so I’m putting this out as rebloggable because, hey, it’s useful. So, assuming that both you and your partner consent (sometimes people don’t like giving or receiving blowjobs, and that’s OK), here’s a step-by-step guide to blowjob-giving.
A light-skinned man sucking on a popsicle.
Step 1: Ask what they like. If they don’t know what they like (haven’t tried it before or something), tell them to give you feedback and tell you what they like or don’t like as you go down on them. If they do know what they like, they should still give you suggestions because you will only be better if you know what they want.
Step 2: Locate penis, remove from confined space. Usually you’ll want to do this with accompanying foreplay, which is kissing or touching that gets everyone in the mood.
Step 3: (The following steps are all part of the blowjob process and can be interchanged, varied, rejected, or added to as need be)
  • Sucking the tip
  • Licking the tip
  • Sucking as much as you can in
  • Licking in patterns
  • Licking like an ice cream cone
  • Licking with the tip or flat of your tongue
  • Kissing in different places
  • Using your hands
  • Licking/sucking/touching/kissing the balls
  • Licking/sucking/touching/kissing right behind the balls
  • Using your hands on other parts of the body while doing everything else
  • Your partner touching themselves at the same time
  • Humming
Step 4: The general idea is that you are trying to mimic intercourse, so making a bobbing motion with your head and stroking with your hands are both good ideas. If you’re up to it (it can set off your gag reflex), they can try thrusting into your mouth.
Step 5: Vary what you do and experiment!
Step 6: Decide whether or not you want to spit or swallow or have them let go somewhere else. Where the cum goes depends on what you want. A lot of people describe semen as salty or bitter, but it can also be sort of savory or sour. It depends on the person.
Step 7: Aftercare! Cuddling! Whatever makes you both feel good. That can be kissing or sleeping or whatever it is that makes you both happy.
Answers to common questions:
  • You do not want to get rid of your gag reflex entirely, because it is what keeps you from choking to death. You can reduce your gag reflex by relaxing, breathing through your nose, holding your left thumb tightly in your fist, or humming, or by training it away by brushing your tongue and moving farther back each time.
  • If you have a strong gag reflex, use your hands. Actually, using your hands in general is a good idea, because they’re a lot more flexible than your jaw.
  • Not everyone can deep throat, and that’s OK.
  • Blowjobs take practice - being “a natural” at them is actually highly unlikely. It’s OK if you need to take a time out while you’re going down on someone, or if it takes you a while to be able to finish one.
  • Never practice on food, especially bananas, because it can break off in your mouth and choke you.

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